The Penguin Recap: Episode 8 - A Great Or Little Thing
“Oswald Cobb, man of the people.”

Well, that episode did not pull any punches.
The first big hit comes in the opening scenes, as we once again flash back to the late ‘80s and the aftermath of Jack and Benny’s deaths. This time we see events from Francis’ (Deirdre O'Connell) point of view, and the revelations come thick and fast.
Not only has she been aware this whole time that Oz let his brothers die, that her son is something of a sociopath - ‘the devil’, as she puts it - but she actually asked Rex Calabrese (Louis Cancelmi) to off the little monster!
Only at the last second did she decide to choose the other option suggested by Rex - to use Oz’s sociopathic tendencies, and his all-consuming need for his mother’s approval, for her own gain.
This is a bombshell of a revelation that throws all those scenes of toxic maternity from previous episodes into a whole new light. Francis has always hated Oz, and she tells him as much in the ruins of Monroe’s… right before stabbing him in the gut with a broken bottle.
As Oz (Colin Farrell) bleeds out, Francis sees a vision of her dead sons before succumbing to a massive stroke. But even after she tried to murder him, Oz will still do anything to protect his mother, and breaks out of his bonds to escape Sofia’s clutches and drag Francis’ lifeless body out of there.
Sofia (Cristin Milioti), meanwhile, decides that enough is enough. She’s determined to call this whole gang war quits and get out of Gotham while she still can… but not before finally getting revenge on Oz. She offers the remains of her father’s empire to whichever gang brings Oz to her, then burns the mansion down like a badass.
But Oz is busy with his own schemes. He goes to City Hall and feeds Councilman Hady (Rhys Coiro) a story about how Sofia, a former serial killer in the eyes of the public, is responsible for all the carnage in Crown Point. The Councilman eats it up, and after a series of double-crosses, Sofia once again ends up locked up in Arkham.
Oz has won. All of his enemies are dead, he’s consolidated his power in the Gotham underworld, and he now has a City Councilman in his pocket to boot.
He and Vic (Rhenzy Feliz) go down to the river to celebrate, and it’s here that Vic says the words that will prove to be his undoing - “You’re like family to me.” Where once Oz might have considered this a good thing, now he only sees it as a weakness to be exploited, and he brutally strangles the poor kid.
I love that this series never let us forget that Oz is a villain. He’s a bad dude, always has been, always will be, and it doesn’t matter how charming or funny he can be. Under the surface, he’s a true monster.
With nothing left to hold him down, Oz moves himself and his catatonic mother into a swanky new building. In a truly uncomfortable scene, he dances with Eve (Carmen Ejogo) - dressed as Francis - as she whispers encouraging words to him. The whole thing is ick with a capital I.
And then the camera slowly pans out of Oz’s penthouse window, into the snowy Gotham night, as Eve tells Oz that there’s no one left to stand in his way. Just as the Bat Signal lights up the sky.
Easter Eggs & Comic Connections:
- Oz and Sofia take a brief detour to Goodwin International Airport, which is named for Archie Goodwin, an editor at DC Comics and one of the seminal Batman contributors of the ‘70s. Fun fact - Goodwin also created the superhero Luke Cage over at Marvel.
- Outside Monroe’s we catch a glimpse of Bar Eight Billiards & Lounge, a notorious villain hangout that appears in the comics.
- There are more Riddler symbols and defaced Don Mitchell For Mayor posters on the walls in Crown Point, indicating that while the villain remains locked up in Arkham, his presence is still felt in the city.
What comes next?
Hungry for more Penguin action? You’re not the only one! But will there be a season 2? Is this the last we’ll ever see of Oz Cobb?
Fear not! The Penguin was always billed as a limited series, and while there hasn’t been any sort of announcement about a continuation the series has proved very popular, and Colin Farrell has repeatedly expressed interest in returning to the character - despite that gruelling makeup schedule.
And there are plenty of loose ends that the showrunners could pick up if they chose to continue Oz’s story, not least of which is the potential Sofia/Selina team-up teased by that letter. Could Gotham’s leading ladies join forces against Oz in Season 2?
Plus, there’s the very strong suggestion that Oz might be eyeing a position in City Hall. Maybe even Mayor, which has happened in the comics. His rise to the top could make for an excellent through-line in Season 2.
In the meantime, we’ll have to content ourselves with The Batman Part II, which is scheduled to come out in 2026. Director Matt Reeves has been typically tight-lipped about the plot, but we know that The Penguin leads directly into the film, that it’ll be set around Christmas, and that Oz will play a big part.
Verdict: A brilliantly dark, twisted finale to cap off an outstanding season of television. Who knew a grounded, gritty take on a goofy classic Batman villain could be so good?
The entire first season of The Penguin is now available to watch on Sky Atlantic, or stream any time with Sky Stream Entertainment.